Penguatan Sikap Anti Korupsi Pada Guru Dan Siswa Di SMP Islam Terpadu Bina Amal Gunungpati Semarang


  • Eko Handoyo Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Natal Kristiono Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Eta Yuni Lestari Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Wahyu Benny MS Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Maryam Maryam Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Bambang Wiwitono Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Fahrudin Lutfi Ahmad Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Ludia Alfafa Faza Universitas Negeri Semarang



Strengthening Anti-Corruption, Teachers, Students, SMP IT Bina Amal Gunungpati


The problem of corruption in Indonesia has become a public conversation, both through the news, electronic media and social media. This is related to corruption cases and corrupt behavior that occurs everywhere. In fact, in almost all regions of Indonesia with various types and modes. Corrupt behavior has penetrated every element of the nation, even though we all know that corruption is immoral behavior. The large number of corruption cases requires efforts to prevent them, one of which is by strengthening anti-corruption attitudes. Strengthening anti-corruption attitudes is one way of education in forming a mental attitude in a person who is structured to behave anti-corruption. The aim of strengthening anti-corruption attitudes is broad and comprehensive depending on age, education and environment, as long as a person is able and able to receive character education. The importance of strengthening anti-corruption attitudes at SMP IT Gunungpati among teachers and students has led the Semarang State University service team to help overcome this problem by strengthening anti-corruption attitudes among students in the form of service "Strengthening Anti-Corruption Attitudes for Teachers and Students at SMP IT Gunungpati". This service focuses on (1) Providing teachers and students with an understanding of the importance of fighting corruption in the future; (2) Providing reinforcement to teachers regarding learning to instill anti-corruption values ​​in their students; (3) Providing training in implementing strengthening anti-corruption attitudes in daily life as a student; (4) Provide dedication to the implementation of anti-corruption characteristics within a certain period of time.The results of this service will later be published in the Regular National Journal with ISSN (Non Sinta) as well as print and electronic mass media and video. The objectives that are the objectives in implementing this community service activity are (1) Teachers and students have an understanding of anti-corruption character; (2) Teachers have anti-corruption character values ​​that can be applied to students; (3) Students understand how to implement anti-corruption characteristics; (4) Students are able to become initiators of the implementation of anti-corruption characteristics.


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How to Cite

Eko Handoyo, Natal Kristiono, Eta Yuni Lestari, Wahyu Benny MS, Maryam Maryam, Bambang Wiwitono, … Ludia Alfafa Faza. (2024). Penguatan Sikap Anti Korupsi Pada Guru Dan Siswa Di SMP Islam Terpadu Bina Amal Gunungpati Semarang. Jurnal Pengabdian Bersama Masyarakat Indonesia, 2(1), 76–85.

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